What Color to Paint Your Kitchen


Paint color plays such an important role in setting the mood for the kitchen; it must be complementary of the kitchen design to pull off just the right look. It can be tricky to combine the right color with a design so that they work well together to achieve the desired effect. Kitchen painting ideas and color schemes should create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. Along with choosing the color you will use for interior painting you will also want to decide which to paint, walls or cabinets. It all depends on the type of effect you wish to achieve. Talk to a Livingston, NJ interior painting contractor to get for loads of ideas on the different types of colors and combinations that can be used.

Traditional kitchen designs will work well if you stay with earth tones. This style will usually combine interior painting color schemes with wooden cabinet surfaces. Greens, browns and country blues usually dominate this design’s color scheme. Country style designs may use various colored paints on the cabinets against white or off white walls. Various shades of green work very well for this type of design. For kitchens with a retro design emerald green or blue appliances can add color to wood grain cabinets. The small portions of walls can be painted offsetting neutral tones. If you just want to give your older traditional kitchen a boost resurface and paint the cabinets using bold colors. Red, chocolate purple or burgundy work great to refresh older designs.

For the newer, modern kitchens many bold color schemes can be used with stainless steel appliances to help create a modern look and feel. And to bring out the best in a contemporary kitchen use two or three contrasting paint colors. If you are looking for the latest trends in kitchen design you will want to go with colors like yellow or cream and blue for the cabinets. Combine these color schemes with stainless steel hardware and you’ll have the latest in trendy kitchen design. Vanilla cabinets look great when used with appliances or accessories which are modern colors such as dark gray, black or olive.

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