How to Restore Wood Paneling

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Wood paneling might be one of those decorating options that you frown upon, but you might be surprised at JUST how many houses have this type of decor.  If you really hate it, you could just get rid of all of it, but then you would be looking at a pretty expensive remodel.  Not only …

Staining Versus Painting

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In the case of wood versus paint, it’s less about what looks nicer and more about the materials in question.  Below you will read a few different sections.  The first section is about what paint is, how it works, etc.  The second section is about wood stain and how it works.  The last and final …

How to Paint a Fence

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Painting a wooden fence doesn’t exactly take a brain surgeon, but there are little things along the way that you can miss or do incorrectly that could make the paint job look wrong or worse – make the paint job not last as long as you would like it to.  Because of this, we have …

Top Interior Paint Colors for a Victorian Home


Victorian homes, usually built in the mid to early 1800s were painted a certain color inside.  You very rarely saw a Victorian home with just one or two colors.  Instead, most of these homes used 3 different color combinations.  The main color was usually 60% of the surfaces in the home, the secondary color was …

Best Paint for Winter


The winter months can be brutal on a home’s exterior paint. Temperatures can fluctuate around freezing making homes and paints expand and contract. It is essential to get the right kind of paint for exterior painting projects to ensure that the home and its value can sustain the cold, winter months. Before applying a coat …

Best Paint for Summer


There’s no question that the exterior of a home can take a beating from inclement weather conditions. This can change from region to region. Northern climates can be brutally cold, along with the wind and snow can wreak havoc on the exterior paint. Homes in the southern and warmer regions of the states have to …

Painting Your Deck


As winter fades away and gives way to the fairer weather of spring many people begin to migrate outside for various exterior painting projects. Painting your deck is perhaps one of the most important exterior painting tasks a homeowner may undertake. The deck is already built and painting it is one way of protecting its …